offside #2
Simon Gran Danielsson
Avivs argument
Site-specific work
Furniture and walls with holes cut through them, where visitors have to crawl through to reach new rooms.
In preparation for this work, I began studying old maps of the mines in the town of Boliden in northern Västerbotten. The way the maps looked reminded me of the larval chambers of bark beetles in trees. This made me think about how similar we humans are to bark beetles. Creators of organic tunnels that are not always visible but have a significant impact on their respective living environments. Mines that for many create wealth and prosperity, but at the same time create cavities and psychological wounds in others. While reading about mines and larval chambers, Israel launches its war on Gaza after October 7th. There is an Israeli military strategist named Aviv Kochavi, who developed a military strategy in the West Bank, where he describes one of the characteristics as being like a worm that eats through walls and roofs in Palestinian homes. I have tried to recreate this, to make the experience of being human-worms digging and moving through walls and furniture in our living environments, through the irreversible wounds and holes the process has created.
offside #2
Performance festival
Opening 28.8.2024
29.8 – 24.9.2024
Vasa City Art Hall
Senaatinkaut 1, Vaasa, Finland
On google.maps or Apple Maps.
offside #2
Performance festival
Opening 28.8.2024
29.8 – 24.9.2024
Vasa City Art Hall
Senaatinkaut 1, Vaasa, Finland
On google.maps or Apple Maps.