offside #2
Gerd Aurell
Cure through Removal
Dry pastel, wall drawing
According to folklore, holes in strangely grown trees and tree roots were magic. If you pulled a child through such a hole, they were protected from different diseases. The procedure should be repeated according to magical numbers and the belief was that the disease was taken over by the tree. The Swedish term for this is ”cure through removal”.
The starting point of this work is a series of photographs of holes in oddly shaped trees. Just like in folklore, where the procedure should be repeated a certain number of times, the artwork has been drawn in layer upon layer to create a sort of portal to another world.
offside #2
Performance festival
Opening 28.8.2024
29.8 – 24.9.2024
Vasa City Art Hall
Senaatinkaut 1, Vaasa, Finland
On google.maps or Apple Maps.
offside #2
Performance festival
Opening 28.8.2024
29.8 – 24.9.2024
Vasa City Art Hall
Senaatinkaut 1, Vaasa, Finland
On google.maps or Apple Maps.