offside #1 Marek Pluciennik

offside #1

Marek Waldemar Pluciennik

Blackhole tween Frames

The performance uses 35mm film shot on a hand cranked film camera and projected on a hand cranked 35mm projector. The sound coming from the projector itself is processed live during the performance. The light sources are 2 power LED chips. The color film is self developed using own cross-processing techniques. The idea is to study motion and color perception as the frame rates of projection and of shooting differ at each instant. The film varies in color contrast from strong to very weak, creating spaces where the viewer is not able to discern the content of the image that is projected. The images force the viewers’ perception to invent their own content, similar to phi phenomena in color perception, where experiments have used just two colors.

In this instance the images created on film contain an abundance of constantly changing colors of the same subjects moving through space, disorienting our default perception sensibilities. 


The installation uses a 360 degree camera pan and own diy handcranked film printing device . The pan is dissected and reimagined .

Marek Waldemar Pluciennik

He is a Polish/Canadian filmmaker and cinema artist based in Helsinki. His work focuses on the material and ephemeral nature of the film medium. In his latest works, he interfaces traditional projectors with digital microcontrollers as he explores visual motion perception in the frame-based medium. The works are a meditative study at the extreme boundaries of apparent movement. Pluciennik refers to it as a liminal flicker, where the viewers’ motion perception is tested by a “meltdown” of classic motion perception; a similar phenomenon to liminal space, where an empty space can feel unsettling and familiar at the same time.

offside #1

Varastokatu 6, 65100 Vaasa Finland
offside #1 on google.maps or Here WeGo.

offside #1

Varastokatu 6, 65100 Vaasa Finland
offside #1 on google.maps or Here WeGo.