offside #1
Bekim Hasaj
Scanning Landscape
The inspiration for this project comes as a result of my long observations and travels made mainly along the western part of Ostrobothnia, of the houses, cities, communities, and the territory that hosts them.
I am particularly interested at this point, in the mutual relationship of the community with this environment, and also from an anthropological point of view, I want to examine images, places, people, signs, and traces, between past and present.
But, what is generally a ‘landscape genre’ in Art? It refers to a specific style of doing art by creating visual representations of the surroundings and environments (landscapes) basically nature-dominated. The technique and style can differ from artist to artist and such is also the medium or the perspective of the singular artist.
The subject is in itself the “landscape” which is generally seen as detached from the artist’s eye.
It is from here, that I take it, and start my personal-visual analysis and interpretation. In an allegorical expression ‘scanning’ my subject from no distance, almost attached to its surfaces, its patterns, its colors, shapes, cavities, traces, feelings, stories, eternal time…
Reconsidering to represent the ‘Landscape’ out of its conventional-historical canons/standards although through a personal and arbitrary perspective in the present. I want to be able to examine and stimulate discussions starting from visual samples created by me or by those picked up from a natural state and un-alternated.
Technically speaking, I use my pictorial language, which consists of the visual play of two or more images superimposed but, in this case, applied to the central subject of the landscape.
In addition and collaterally to the latest project I will represent also a few pieces of the series ‘Challenging the Support’ 2021-2022.
Scanning Landscape – art project by Bekim Hasaj
offside #1
Varastokatu 6, 65100 Vaasa Finland
offside #1 on google.maps or Here WeGo.
offside #1
Varastokatu 6, 65100 Vaasa Finland
offside #1 on google.maps or Here WeGo.