offside #1
Albert Braun
In our current times of winner-takes-it-all capitalism, it is a high time to recognize and respect what we have in common, what brings us together. We are not alone, and yes, it is time to share, it is time to speak up and act! About use and misuse of power.
Albert Braun’s artworks, often various kinds of installations, attract the viewer, sometimes quite palpably and sometimes more discreetly, but always clearly. Yet, clarity does not mean that there is a given interpretation. One can regard the work of Albert Braun as the creation of spaces or as a framework for actions and events that seem to reflect everyday matters, but which aren´t everday at all. They aim at an interaction between the audience and the work, and so they remain unforgettable to the visitors. The memory remains alive, because the works of art do not convey any connection with accustomed life, but rather create space for imagination and reflection. (Pauline von Bonsdorff)
offside #1
Varastokatu 6, 65100 Vaasa Finland
offside #1 on google.maps or Here WeGo.
offside #1
Varastokatu 6, 65100 Vaasa Finland
offside #1 on google.maps or Here WeGo.